By Highbrow

Towards the end of last year, we posted about our thoughts on wellness, recalibrating our thoughts surrounding the topic.  Why?  Because it’s one of the pillars of our brands so honestly, we’re constantly thinking about it, but also, because our definition of wellness is always changing. 

Wellness and Wellbeing Simplified Highbrow Hippie

Of course, we have a hardline definition - it’s right there on our website, “Health is a state of body, wellness is a state of mind” - but to us, wellness isn’t a static state and there isn’t a singular vision of what it looks like.

It’s all about finding what works for you, what makes you feel nourished, whole, and embodied.

Yesterday, we sat down with the team for our staff meeting.  We shared our updates on the goals we had each set for ourselves at the beginning of the year - goals that were meant to help us be more intentional and focused and think about what we want more of, and even less of, in our lives.

Some said they wanted to workout more, some wanted to get more sleep, and others said they wanted to take more self-directed action in their lives overall.

As life would have it, some of us made progress of our goals, others of us decided to switch gears and change goals completely, and others were vulnerable and shared that they hadn’t yet made progress - but it’s all good and honestly, this exercise is emblematic of our thoughts on wellness.

Sometimes we set goals and meet them, other times we scratch the surface, and often, we pivot and decide to move in another direction.

All that’s to say that, this month, we plan on diving more into the topic of wellness and invite you to think about what fills you up in your life and encourage you to do what works for you. 

As always, we hope to hear from you.

Myka and Kadi

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